A Tale of the Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (My Thoughts/mini review)

Here comes Batman!!! dun nah nah nananana Batman!!! The song goes something like that am I right? No? probably not. Does Batman even have his on theme song? I think I just sung Ironman's…oh well.

Fear not though I am here to give my thoughts, do a semi-review on this lovely graphic novel that I recently read called."Batman: Gotham by Gaslight" okay well its proper name is "A Tale of the Batman: Gotham by Gaslight"

Okay. So first off my lovely and equally if not more nerdy friend Ian recommend this book to me. I was and still am in a hunt for some really good graphic novels (Trades) series to get into. I prefer series just because I always have something to look forward to, however and good one booker is nice every now and then. (Yes I just said one booker). 

Moving on to the book. I was sold the minute I saw this page with the fighter and his mustache. That is what sold to buy this and give it a read. 

Without giving too much of the story away it takes place in the 1700's I believe..don't quote me. You start off by seeing the incident of the infamous Jack the Ripper and how he just disappeared from London, and now Gotham is having similar attacks. Bruce Wyane is just recently returning from London to hear about these attacks..while secretly playing Batman trying to keep the street of Gotham safe and find the Ripper and the person responsible for his parents death. 

I was immediately engrossed in the book with the thought of  Jack the Ripper Vs Batman how awesome.  I will admit I don't know much about Batman outside of what I see in movies and my dad telling me from back in the day when he read comics, so I guess you can say I was coming at this with a fresh mind. I was not confused or lost in the slightest when it came to his background and story because they gave hints and talked about it in the book. So fear not newcomer to Batman you too can read this and enjoy it without much knowledge. 

There were nice touches of the Joker being mentioned and photo that I loved in a few panels, but it is mostly based around (Bruce) Wayne aka Batman trying to uncover his parents killer while at the same time figuring out who the real Ripper is. There is another storyline going on, but they all tie together nicely. Noting in the story seemed rushed and it all just flowed nicely together.
I also liked that there was a few twists at least for me that I did not see them coming.

I love love love the artwork and illustration, which I guess is the same thing. I just felt it went with the time period that the story took place in so well. My only gripe however, was with the font used for the speech bubbles I was not in favor of. While I liked the handwritten look of it, at times it felt too chicken scratchy and bothered me.  The ending was something that I enjoyed honestly, I felt like you got two endings in a way, plus the way they ended it they could easily do at least a second book. I mean I kinda want them to do a second book, like now, like today.  

I highly recommend this book if you can find it. It is a good little read, especially if you are in between series or looking just for something to switch up to. I would check Amazon for this lovely book, I got mine from my local Hastings. So that is my thoughts mini review.

Will you give this a read? Have you read this? how can I improve on these books reviews?
thanks for reading kittens…….don't judge

Audrey roe

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